A senatorial candidate sued a columnist and a newspaper for libel. The trial court dismissed the case, and the candidate appealed. After the appeal was filed, the candidate voluntarily dismissed the columnist, but maintained the appeal against the newspaper. A mandate was issued with respect to the dismissal of the columnist.
Two years passed after the briefs were filed, but there still was no decision from the appellate court. In response to the candidate’s motion to set the case for oral argument, the newspaper asserted that the issuance of the mandate deprived the appellate court of jurisdiction. The appellate court would have none of it, and ruled that the mandate as to the columnist did not deny the court of jurisdiction to consider the appeal against the newspaper.
Pointing to the two-year period after briefing was completed, the newspaper also argued that laches and estoppel, and the candidate’s lack of diligence, prevented the court from considering the appeal. The appellate court rejected that argument. The court admitted that the case improperly had been removed from the active docket, resulting in the delay. “The plaintiff is not to blame for the delay in the disposition of this appeal. We will not avoid consideration of the merits of this appeal predicated upon delay caused by this court.”